Left Coast Right Watch


June 21, 2022

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It’s an all-Idaho episode today! First we get a briefing from Redoubt AFA about the fascist shennanigans that led up to Patriot Front getting mass-arrested at Couer d’Alene Pride earlier this month. Then we talk to independent reporter Alissa Azar, who was on the ground in Cour d’Alene for the event and got some of the best footage of Patriot Front getting mass-arrested. Then we give a rundown on the two large adult sons of Christian fascist leader Matt Shea’s right hand man who got caught participating with Patriot Front. Lastly, we’re talking to veteran journalist David Neiwert, who’s giving us a deep-dive on the groups threatening Couer d’Alene Pride-goers and the deep roots of hate in the Pacific Northwest.


Our reporting trip fundraiser

Tickets for Rock Against Racism

Video of Pahandle Patriots

Alissa’s linktree

Alissa’s Cour d’Alene thread

Shea’s statement

The weird Buster standup routine at church

Neiwert’s latest book, Red Pill, Blue Pill

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I'm a broke journalist and run this outlet mostly out-of-pocket. I would love nothing more than to be able to dedicate 100% of my time to doing this coverage.

Support for LCRW has allowed me to travel to report, make ends meet every month, and even buy gear and software licenses for my work. I can't thank the folks who donate enough.

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